Important Pages
The left sidebar contains links to allow you to navigate to new pages. The links are organized in sections including, Main Pages, Help, External Links and Tools.


Page NameDescriptionLogin Required
Sign UpRegister for an accountYes
HomeThis page is our home page which is updated from time-to-time with news, system outages and other notices.No
Search HistoryView your search history page.Yes
Property FavoritesView particular properties that you have tagged previously.Yes
Shopping CartThe shopping cart page contains bill installments selected for payment. There is additional information on your Shopping Cart Yes
My AccountUpdate and view your account details.Yes

Where is the search page link?

Since the property search bar is at the top of every page on the website, there is no need for a separate search page. Your search results will be displayed when you click the "Go" button on the bar or "Enter" on your keyboard.
This system provides a shopping cart, so taxpayers who own more than one property or who pay the property taxes of others can pay more than one installment at a time. In addition, many taxpayers prefer to pay both first and second installment at one time.

In order to add installments to your shopping cart, you must first search and locate your property. For additional information on searching click "Finding My Property" in the left sidebar, under Help.

Once you have located your property, select an installment with a payment button. For example, the image below has one unpaid installment that is available for payment. Click the pay button to add this installment to your shopping cart.
 Pay Buttons
Once the Pay button is clicked, you can keep shopping or see your shopping cart. The shopping cart page displays a list of installments in your shopping cart. If you wish to add additional installments from the same property click the browser's back button.


Can I use the shopping cart when paying by phone? The shopping cart is only available when making payments by the internet.

How do I run the Supplemental Estimator
1Search and locate your property by using the search bar. See more information on performing searches in 'Finding My Property'.
2Click the Supplemental Estimator Tab on the Search Results Page.
3Enter the market value of your property and the purchase/construction completion date. If this property is your primary residence, check the Primary Residence check box.
4Click the Calculate button and print.

The Supplemental Tax Estimator provides an estimate of supplemental taxes on secured properties. Results are calculated from data entered by the user and the Santa Barbara County tax records. The Supplemental Tax Estimator is designed for use on properties that sell in the open market and/or are subject to a 100% transfer of ownership. California property tax law requires that taxes be based on the full market value of a property. The sales price of a property may typically, but does not necessarily reflect the market value of the property. Change in ownership situations without a sales price (inheritance, foreclosure, etc.) will require an estimate of the market value of the property. The accuracy of the supplemental tax estimate will be dependent on the validity of the estimate of market value.

There are also a number of situations in which the Supplemental Tax Estimator will not be able to produce a reliable estimate. The most common are: (1) Partial interest transfers where less than 100% of the property has changed ownership. (2) Future events that effect property values which are not recorded in our tax records. (3) Properties with levies from Special Districts will result in a lower tax estimate since levies from Special Districts are not included in the estimate 4) Exemptions. Please note that the estimator is intended for changes in ownership only and not for new construction.

If the market value is less than the current assessed value of the property, a supplemental refund(s) may be generated. When a change in ownership occurs you will receive a one time supplemental bill (or refund). If the change in ownership occurs between January 1 and May 31, two supplemental bills (or refunds) will be generated.
The payment history page displays your payments made over the internet. The payment history page is organized into two sections, (1) payment summary section and (2) payment details section. The payment details section contains information related to each installment in your payment transaction. The total property tax in the payment summary section will equal the total amount in the payment details section. To view previous payment transactions, select one of the payment transactions listed in the "Select a Payment" drop down.

Field Descriptions
Payment DateThe date and time of payment.
Payment IDThis ID is comprised of four sections: (1) Payment ID, (2) Payment Code, (3) Payment Authorization Number and (4) Payment Type: ACH = Bank Transfer, VIS= Visa, MST= Master Card, AMX = American Express and DIS = Discover Cart
Total PaidThe total property tax and fees paid.
FeeWebsite payment convenience fee.
Property TaxTotal property taxes paid. Use this amount for your taxes.
Property NumberA unique number assigned by the County Assessor identifying a property in the SBC Property Tax System. Secured property numbers are comprised of an 8 digit property number, a 2 digit property sub number and 1 check digit. The unsecured property number is comprised of an 8 digit parcel number a 3 digit parcel sub number and 1 check digit.
Delinquent DateEach bill installment has a due date and a delinquent date. The due date is usually a month, or more, before the delinquent date. Bill installments are not delinquent if paid before 5:00 PM on the delinquent date. The installment is not delinquent if the delinquent date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Federal Holiday and paid on the next business day. A delinquent fee of 10% is charged on delinquent installments.
Bill NumberThe bill number identifies a single installment in the SBC Property Tax System. Secured and secured supplemental bills have two installments. All other bills have one installment.
Bill TypeThere are six bill types used in the system:
• Secured - Secured bill types represent land, buildings and improvements.
• Supplemental - Supplemental bill types occur when land, buildings and improvements are purchased.
• Redemption - Redemption bill types represent unpaid secured and/or supplemental bills from previous fiscal years. A Redemption Bill breakdown is available by clicking the Bill Breakdown link under the Installment Menu on Redemption installment records. The bill breakdown provides information on all Secured and Supplemental bills within the Redemption.
• Unsecured - Unsecured bill types represent business assets, airplanes, boats and mobile homes. • Unsecured Supplemental - Supplemental Unsecured bill types occur when secured supplemental bills transfers to unsecured. This can occur when there is more than transfer in a single tax year.
• Unsecured Delinquent - Unsecured delinquent bill types represent unpaid unsecured bills. These bills are transferred from the unsecured roll after January 15th each year.
Property AddressThe parcel address is the physical address of the property. For secured tax types this is also referred to as the Situs Address, for unsecured tax types this is the address where the property resides. Searching for bills online is easy if you know the parcel address, parcel number or bill number and tax year.

If you wish to update your account information, click the "Account Update" link in the search bar at the top of the page. Edit your information as needed and click the "Update Account" button. If you wish to change your password enter a new password. The password field is not required.

Password: If you enter a new password, the system will update your password. Once updated, use your new password to login.